Monday, December 1, 2008

STINK! and the Great Guinea Pig Express by Megan McDonald and Illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds

This is the fourth book of the STINK! series, and yes, I you finally find out the reason that James Moody is nicknamed Stink. It has nothing to do with the story though, its more of a side note that was thrown into the dialog. I almost don't want to tell the story behind it so that way you can go out and read it for yourself. In fact I think that I won't tell the story for just that reason. Anyway the main story is about how Stink, Webster, and Sophie of the Elves find some guinea pigs in Stinks backyard. Turns out that they belonged the local pet shop owner, Mrs. Birdwhistle, who had just rescued 101 guinea pigs from a lab that used the guinea pigs as...guinea pigs. Anyway the story is about how all four turn an old camper into "Squeals on Wheels" and drive to a guinea pig rescue shelter, while finding homes for a good portion of the guinea pigs along the way. This book also had more of liner plot line and was easier to follow. In all honesty, I am kind of sad that this is the last book in the series. Perhaps one day, when I actually have the time to read for fun, I will pick up the Joody Moody Series and revisit my old friend Stink. Once again, I would suggest this to anyone who wants to read a light hearted story about Stink!

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