Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Long Way from Chicago by Richard Peck

This book was wonderful. I love historical fiction. Now I know that the book didn't focus on the Great Depression (with the exception of the end of the chapter entitled One Woman Crime Wave) but it was very prominent in the background of the story. Anyway I really connected with the main character Joey Dowdel, mostly due to his laid back mentality. He had plenty of questions during the book but he knew that in time they would be answered and for the most part thats how I try to approach life. I also appreciated the way the Grandma would not just over exaggerate things, but tell bold face lies for what seemed to just be her own personal amusement, but always had an alternate plan in mind that would some how help someone. I had a relative, my great grandfather, who was fairly similar, although I can't recall if any of his stories ever benefiting anyone but himself. He used to tell me that he once killed a grizzly bear with his pocket knife and made the bearskin rug, that lay on the middle of the floor, out of said bear. Later when he died both the rug and the knife were left to me, and upon further inspection I discovered that the rug had a "Made in China" stamp on the bottom. Anyway, there are plenty of examples of woppers just like the one my great grandfather used to tell me all throughout the book. Like the falsifying of Abraham Lincoln's personal items being found in her neighbor's house, or presenting a blue ribbon from her hat to a pilot to receive a free plane ride for her grandson. The book was a very smart, witty, and fun read. I would suggest it to just about anyone.

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